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Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel | ||||||||
Due South | ||||||||
The Eagle / Eagle of the Ninth | ||||||||
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Harry Potter (gen) |
Harry Potter (Snape/Harry) | |||||||
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Harry Potter (Snape/Weasley) |
Harry Potter (Snape/Other) | |||||||
Harry Potter (Snape/Lupin) |
Harry Potter (multiple & other pairings) | |||||||
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Invisible Man | L.A. Confidential | |||||||
Man from UNCLE | Master and Commander | |||||||
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Marvel (all universes) | ||||||||
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Miscellaneous Fandoms | Nero Wolfe | |||||||
Once a Thief | Original Fiction | |||||||
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Sherlock Holmes (various incarnations) |
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Person of Interest | Real Ghostbusters | |||||||
Southland | Star Wars | |||||||
Suits | White Collar | |||||||
Without a Trace | X Files | |||||||
augustbird: 'Equilibrium' - at Baskerville, John is infected by a virus that turns him into a genius. But when the infection progresses into neurodegeneration, it's a race against time to save himself. Sherlock/John (tv series). BlackEyedGirl:
branwyn: The 'Compatible Damage' series - two stories completed to date ('The Skeleton Winter' and 'Let Sense Be Dumb'), this is an outstanding genderswap AU series where John Watson is Joanna Watson, just as battered as the original and if anything outsiders seem to understand their relationship even less when Watson is a woman. Sherlock/John (tv series). candle_beck: 'Mistakes of our Youth' - As it stood: Holmes wanted to take the doctor to bed with unnerving fervour. Intricate observation led him to believe that Watson would not be entirely against such an eventuality, and further, that getting him to admit same would be the true challenge of the day. Watson had always cleaved rather closely to the ideal of a Victorian gentleman, at least in his own mind--it was a bad habit, but Holmes was fairly sure he could break him of it. Holmes/Watson (movie). 'The Greek Problem' - Sometimes Watson dreamed of his life before, and in the morning he remembered it as an alien planet, dull and dry and airless. Every time he looked at Holmes, he felt like he'd just woken up from years asleep. Holmes/Watson (movieverse). cj_ludd18: 'Strangers' - a story in three experiments, when Sherlock decides to build a machine and discovers that he's accomplished far more than he ever expected. Gen (tv series). coloredink: If there's one cliche I really love, it's amnesia stories - here's a cracker in the Sherlock fandom, 'Lacuna'. In which John has amnesia and can only remember waking up in his hospital bed, with nothing of what was to come after that, nothing in particular about his infuriating flatmate. Sherlock/John (tv series). corpsereviver2: 'Night Shift' - back from the war, John Watson works as a daylighter, providing day time security for vampires, and he's about to get a new client. Sherlock/John (tv series). definewisdom: 'Come and See' - in which John Watson is actually Death, not a retired ex-army doctor, and Sherlock was supposed to take the pill he was offered. Of course, that's not how it worked out and now the Universe is out of kilter. Sherlock/John (tv series). Dira Sudis: 'Turn Up the Signal (Wipe Out the Noise)' by Dira Sudis - John opened his eyes and Sherlock was there, right there, almost nose to nose with him in his bed. John startled backward and said what he'd meant to say anyway, a little higher-pitched. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sherlock/John (tv series). emungere: 'Ain't Seen the Sunshine (Since I Don't Know When)' - another BadAss!Watson fic, this time an AU where he ends up as bodyguard-cum-nanny to Sherlock and Mycroft as children, who just happen to be currently living in a big house on the edge of Dartmoor... John/Lestrade (tv series). As a follow-up there's also another story in this universe (and hopefully more to come!) where Mycroft and Sherlock are children and Watson is their long-suffering but well-armed nanny: in 'Snowflakes (Like Dust in the Sun)' Sherlock disappears from school, causing all sorts of anxiety for everyone else. John/Lestrade (tv series). etothepii: 'Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc' - a series of three stories (so far, I hope!) where John and Harry Watson are related to those famous Addams and are just as odd in their own way as the folks we've met from that family. It should probably be said that these stories are not for the squeamish. Gen. flawedamethyst: 'The Case of the Stolen Doctor' - complete with artwork, a lengthy story in which Moriarty kidnaps Dr Watson and does Bad Things to him in a rich Victorian environment. Holmes/Watson (probably closer to the bookverse than the RDJ/Jude Law movie, given the artwork). GoldenUsagi: 'Most Ghosts Are Idiots' - on the lookout for suitable accommodation in London, John Watson finds himself renting an unexpectedly reasonably priced flat in Baker Street. The problem? There's already someone living there, if 'living' is the right word... Gen (tv series). irisbleufic: 'Constant Reminders' - It was then he noticed that, if he were to make a job of it, he'd have his work cut out for him. Socks lurked everywhere in the room, it seemed: peeking out from beneath Sherlock's pillow, skulking along the lowest level of the bookshelf, and even cozying up to wantonly splayed book covers. Sherlock/John (tv series). janonny:
Katie Forsythe: 'Four Minor Interludes for the Solo Violin' - a fantastic story looking at the effects of PTSD as Watson deals with the aftermath of his experiences in Afghanistan. Holmes/Watson (books). 'A Hymn to the Endlessly Falling' - We had suffered two heart attacks by 1927, and I don't know why either one of them surprised me. And by "we," I mean "Holmes," though I felt every agonizing, clenching, gasping instant of both of them. Holmes/Watson (books). kate_lear: 'There's a First Time for Everything' - a series of 'firsts' where Sherlock is concerned. John/Sherlock (tv series). lavvyan: 'Traffic Lights for the Colour Blind' - Mycroft Holmes thought he got it, that first time they met, but he hadn't. In his own way, he'd been as wrong about John as his – so well-meaning, so pretty – therapist. John doesn't blame them; it's as easy to mistake his… condition… for thrill-seeking as it is to diagnose it as PTSD. Sherlock/John (tv series). 'The Queen's Guard' - a crossover with Neil Gaiman's A Study in Emerald, which will probably make no sense unless you've read that particular quite awesome take on Sherlock Holmes, where John dies in Afghanistan and yet that isn't the end for him. Gen. leopardwrites: 'Twisting and Turning the Colours in Rows' - a nicely-written fusion with the book/movie Let the Right One In though you don't need to know the other source to appreciate this story. John is 13 and being bullied at school by the sadistic Moriarty and his clique, only for his life to be turned upside down in ways he couldn't possibly imagine by the arrival of a new neighbour. John/Sherlock (TV series). loveslashangst: 'Getting the Message' - Mycroft decides the best way forward is to try and matchmake between Sherlock and his new flatmate and he doesn't appear to be the only one who has ideas about their relationship... Sherlock/John (tv series). Mad_Maudlin: 'Apotheosis' - after the events at the pool, Watson returns to the army as a way to get revenge on Moriarty and discovers that he's more than capable of doing some not good things. Gen with a bit of implied bromance (tv series). marysutherland: 'By the book' - Sherlock discovers that Pratchett's theory of L-space actually works, with the help of the British Library. Sherlock/John (tv series). mia6363: 'The Man By Any Other Name' - in an AU that takes much of its inspiration from the Bourne movies, John is a man without his memories fished out of the North Sea. Sherlock is himself, their paths colliding when John is involved in a robbery and Sherlock is asked to figure out who he might be. The truth, of course, turns out to be anything but simple. Sherlock/John (tv series). Moony: 'Monster' - Sherlock goes over to the dark side, to everyone's bemusement despite the high-functioning sociopath label they like to stick on him, and it takes some figuring out just exactly what the hell is going on... Sherlock/John (tv series). paperclipbitch: "and I can see you in my eyes" - Watson sighs when the door swings open with no one there and Holmes’ voice announces: “Watson, I have found a way to make myself invisible!”. Holmes/Watson (movie). 'These Things Were Promises' - denial is a wonderful thing, explored lovingly and in great depth in this beautifully-written story. Holmes/Watson (movie). Penumbra: 'Instrument of Choice' - a quiet night in, punctuated by a musical performance from Holmes, leads to something more intimate. Holmes/Watson (books). Meanwhile, in 'The Adventure of the Buttoned Glove', Holmes investigates a high society kidnapping. Holmes/Watson (books). Philalethia: 'Paler Than Grass' - “Remember our agreement?” Joan reminds him, loudly and quickly. “If you can’t stop yourself from making personal deductions about me, that’s fine, but I don’t want to know about them.” pre-Sherlock/Joan (Elementary) PR Zed: 'Nothing Worth Having' - Holmes has the good sense not to complain when Watson returns to his young wife in the evenings. Mary has the good manners not to mention the occasions when her husband stays the night at Baker Street. When they meet, they are civil, if lacking in cordiality. Holmes/Mary Morstan/Watson (movieverse). rubberbutton: The 'A Priori' universe - starting with 'A Priori', and continued in two more stories to date, this is an AU where the world is run by vampires with humans as their slaves and Mycroft insists that his brother have a human slave despite how badly things went when he had a dog. Sherlock/John (tv series). Sarah T.: 'You'll never be alone in the bone orchard' - back from the war and desperate for someone to be loyal to, it's Mycroft who he meets first and that changes everything... Gen (tv series). Tangles: 'In the Land of the Blind' - Sherlock's been acting strangely for days. There's a claustrophobic silence to the flat, experiments tossed aside or abandoned, cases ignored. It's almost as if nothing matters any more. John's determined to know why. Sherlock/John (tv series). thesardine: 'Secondary Exposure' - as if John Watson's brush with death in Afghanistan wasn't enough to traumatise him, here the author also has him escaping from a serial killer when Watson was a teenager, a killer who seems to be continuing to prey on blond-haired boys. Heavily implied Sherlock/John (tv series). toestastegood: 'Finger on the Trigger' - there's a whole sub-genre of stories in this fandom which are all about Watson's military background and the influences of this on his relationship with Sherlock; this is an excellent example of those, where Watson is much more dangerous than he first appears, which wouldn't be difficult! Sherlock/John (tv series). |