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Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel | ||||||||
Due South | ||||||||
The Eagle / Eagle of the Ninth | ||||||||
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Harry Potter (gen) |
Harry Potter (Snape/Harry) | |||||||
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Harry Potter (Snape/Weasley) |
Harry Potter (Snape/Other) | |||||||
Harry Potter (Snape/Lupin) |
Harry Potter (multiple & other pairings) | |||||||
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Invisible Man | L.A. Confidential | |||||||
Man from UNCLE | Master and Commander | |||||||
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Marvel (all universes) | ||||||||
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Miscellaneous Fandoms | Nero Wolfe | |||||||
Once a Thief | Original Fiction | |||||||
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Sherlock Holmes (various incarnations) |
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Person of Interest | Real Ghostbusters | |||||||
Southland | Star Wars | |||||||
Suits | White Collar | |||||||
Without a Trace | X Files | |||||||
Fabula Rasa: In 'Firstborn' Molly Weasley wants Bill to bring his lover to dinner. Snape/Bill Weasley. Hildigunnur: 'Presence of Mind' - while hunting for the missing horcruxes, Ron Weasley is captured by Voldemort, who uses the opportunity to plant the location of one of them inside his mind; a location that can only be discovered if Ron is killed by someone else. Snape proves his unlikely saviour, and a good deal more. Snape/Ron Weasley. Jordan Grant: 'Five Galleons and a Spearmint Sprig' - He was naked in Snape's bed. He was sore all over, like he'd sat a broom for too long, and here was Snape telling him to take his money and leave... Ron couldn't help but put all those pieces together. The conclusion he came to was as horrifying as it was confusing. He didn't remember coming here at all, let alone... Snape/Ron Weasley. Josan: 'The Old Meddler' - sent on an errand for Dumbledore on Christmas Eve, Snape finds something unexpected at the last place on his list. Snape/Percy Weasley. And now there's a sequel - 'Bleeding Heart and Firewhiskey'. Snape/Percy Weasley. 'The Curse Breaker' - in the aftermath of the death of Voldemort, Snape has all but worked himself into the ground and unlikely alliances form to help him recover. Snape/Bill Weasley. Kai 'Love Is' - Bill Weasley tries to deal with the consequences of his brush with lycanthropy and it seems as though only one person can truly help him. Snape/Bill Weasley, Bill/Fleur. Mad Maudlin: 'In Thy Orisions Be' - Ron Weasley has been staring at Snape for weeks and there can't be a good explanation for that, there really can't. And when Snape discovers just why it's been happening, he doesn't quite know what to think. Snape/Ron, Snape/Regulus. Pandarus: 'Cairo Sunset' - Bill Weasley spots someone unexpected in one of his usual Cairo haunts and this turns out to be only the beginning of the surprises in store for him. Snape/Bill Weasley, and as close to Snape/Lucius Malfoy as I'm ever going to rec... r_becca 'Dealing with Dragons' - Charlie had a sudden moment of clairvoyance, in which he could see the future. And the future was good. The future involved his old Potions professor fucking his brains out right here on the table, until the table collapsed under their weight and they were both sweaty and sated and completely, fully, totally satisfied. Snape/Charlie Weasley rose_whispers: 'Salve' - Another unexpected pleasure, as Snape finds himself forced to work at St. Mungos as a penance for his acts during the war and reluctantly tends to the needs of one particular patient. Snape/Ron Weasley. Sparrowhawk: 'His Brother's Keeper' - the Hogwarts Head Boy enters into an arrangement with Professor Snape, for the best of motives, and discovers it doesn't work out quite as he'd expected. Snape/Bill Weasley Tarie: 'Paint it Black' - when the three of them are effectively trapped in a safehouse, Ron Weasley is convinced that Snape can help Harry deal with what's going on, if only he'd agree to do so. Snape/Ron, Snape/Ron/Harry. The Treacle Tart: In 'The Tao of Diogenes' the war is finally over and two veterans meet again as one finds himself looking after the other, quite literally. Snape/Ron Weasley.
Beth H.: 'Re-Discovery' has Harry walking in on something unexpected and discovering that things have changed since he was last at Hogwarts. Snape/Hagrid. 'In From the Cold' - when he agrees to fulfill what will turn out to be Dumbledore's last request of him, Kingsley Shacklebolt has no idea how significantly that decision will influence the rest of his life... Snape/Shacklebolt 'You Must Remember This' - stuck together after the war in hospital, Snape and Lockhart become unlikely housemates but it's all the Ministry's fault. Snape/Lockhart. Bernice: In 'Care of Magical Creatures', Hagrid loves monsters, the nastier and more vicious the better, so wouldn't it be logical for him to be attracted to Severus Snape? Snape/Hagrid. Meanwhile, what if other people could see Snape as the utterly-smitten Hagrid sees him? A wish is granted and Snape has to deal with the consequences in 'Beggars May Ride'. Snape/Hagrid.
Daphne Dunham: 'Dies Diem Docet' - Snape deals with the repercussions of the death of Sirius Black. Snape/Dumbledore. Delphi: 'Winter Kept Us Warm' is one of the best Snape/Dumbledore fics I've read, with both characters scarily accurate. Meanwhile 'But A Dream' is the same pairing, in as bleak a story as you could possibly wish for. 'Yule' - an incredibly evocative look at the unlikely relationship between two outsiders. Snape/Hagrid. 'The Last Good Year' - September means rain, and taking the stairs to Albus’s bedroom two by two. Snape/Dumbledore. Diana Williams: Meanwhile sometimes there comes a story that just has the characters written perfectly - in this case, that's a description of 'Adjustments'. Snape is getting used to the idea of being in a relationship, with all that entails. Snape/Dumbledore.
Ellen Fremedon: In 'Slowly, But Exceeding Fine', I'm persuaded to recommend a Snape/Black story. And anyone who knows what I think about the character of Sirius Black knows how unlikely that is. Old grudges die hard but in the end they do die.
Fabula Rasa: 'Dolo Delectare' is a classic example of an otherwise well-trodden idea, with Snape brewing a potion that, with Sirius Black's 'help' goes horribly wrong. Snape/Black. Flora Hart 'Remember' and 'After the End' - there's a simple reason why Neville is so forgetful and it's all Snape's fault... Snape/Neville pre-slash. 'Shooting Pains' - something unusual happens to Snape in an encounter with the Ministry and he's forced to rely on an unexpected source of assistance if he's ever to live a normal life again. Snape/Neville pre-slash. Isolde: 'Pragmatic Magics' is a lengthy story, with Snape deciding that he wants a partner but he's hardly the most successful suitor ever. Snape/Hagrid. Josan: There aren't many original characters, in my opinion, that fit easily into the universe created by J.K. Rowling. 'A Gift of Light' has one who is an exception to that rule. Carrying on from where 'Snape and Son' left off, this story brings in new characters as Severus Snape rebuilds his life. Snape/OMC. 'Resolutions' came about as a result of the Snape Fuhq-fest (a source of lots of great fic in itself) - Snape and Black reach an accommodation and then more, as both of them learn to look past the memories they have of each other at 16. Snape/Black. In 'A Matter of Trust: First Things First' by kai and Josan, they expand on the supporting character of Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt in an intriguing way. Brought into the Order of the Phoenix, Shacklebolt soon becomes uncomfortable with the dynamics of that group and acquires a new role as champion and 'handler' of the Order's most important spy. Apparently the first story in a trilogy, though it stands alone perfectly well. Snape/Shacklebolt. Julad: It takes a skilled author to make an unlikely pairing work in a story and 'Night-blooming Heartsease' is just that - Snape and his student nemesis, Neville Longbottom, are forced to work together and, inch by inch, a more human relationship is created between them. One of the virtues of this story is that it has an incredibly in character Snape, but one who's stretched thin by the demands of the war, and Julad takes her time building things between her protagonists so that their eventual culmination does not seem out of place. Snape/Neville. Lionsmooches 'Intoxicated' - desperate for a drink after witnessing the torture and death of yet another Order member, Snape finds himself in circumstances he can't control. Snape/Shacklebolt Lookfar: 'A Fish May Marry a Bird' - a bittersweet story, to say the least, accompanied by some very lovely artwork. Snape/Firenze. Meri 'Circles of Heaven and Hell' - Christmas forces uncomfortable remembrances on Snape and his former student, now also a teacher at Hogwarts. Snape/Blaise Zabini Nishizono: 'The Victory of Sisyphus' - Severus nods. “Death’s most proud rebels, then, the both of us,” he murmurs, and the hand on his shoulder moves to his hair, stroking the silky black strands away from his face. Snape/The Bloody Baron. Penumbra: 'Dalliances with Death Eaters' - the Knockturn Alley rentboys have seen all sorts of things, but nothing quite like this. Snape/OMC, Snape/Lockhart, implied Snape/Harry. 'Spells of Vanity' - what exactly is it that Lockhart really wants and what does Snape intend to do about it? Snape/Lockhart. 'Three Graces' - Snape had no particular desire to sleep with Igor Karkaroff. It was just that he had even less desire to sleep alone. Snape/Karkaroff. Predatrix: 'Photo Perfect' - Snape has a nasty habit he doesn't mention to anyone. Lockhart is a big fat liar, but we knew that already! Snape/Lockhart. regan_v: 'A Lesson in Wandlore' - Snape comes to learn a few things about wands and wandlore, not to mention the wizard who makes the wands himself. Snape/Ollivander. Seeker: An unexpected pleasure, this one, with a most unlikely pairing. 'Potio' is a bit of an AU, going on from the end of the events in 'Chamber of Secrets', with one of our protagonists discovering things about himself he doesn't like very much. Don't let the pairing put you off, it's very good. Snape/Lockhart. Snapetoy 'Bindings' - fleeing from the Deatheaters as a remorseful teenager, Snape undergoes a ritual to bind himself to Dumbledore's service instead. Snape/Dumbledore.
'In Spite' - after the death of Sirius Black, Snape attempts to comfort Lupin but he's never had much practice at it. Argosy: 'Thirteen Months' - He had everything he needed, in his cottage and his garden and his solitude. He was his own master at last, with a responsibility only to himself and his plants, not spoiled brats and old men with warped tendencies toward self-sacrifice. He was no hero, had never wanted to be. Here on his own plot of land, with his hands in the dirt, he dealt in real things, not abstract concepts like honor. He didn’t need more. Arianrhod: 'Inside the Rain' is a lovely story in two parts (here and here), beautifully illustrated by the extremely talented Ildi. Snape, in hiding, receives an unexpected visitor. 'Gethsemane' - after the events of Half-Blood Prince, Snape is in hiding. 'House of the Rising Moon' - as a teenager, Snape had been obsessed with Remus Lupin and that was a mistake he was determined not to repeat. 'Time and Again' - Snape finds himself trapped, repeating the first day of a new school year ad infinitum. What must he do to escape? 'Mating Habits' - Snape knows all sorts of things about what werewolves are really like. 'Time in a Bottle' - in the aftermath of Dumbledore's death, Lupin volunteers to clear out Snape's quarters at Hogwarts and finds more than he ever expected there. Arsenic 'Touch and Go' - Lupin is captured by Deatheaters, then gets some unexpected cellmates. Beth H.: In 'Un endroit secret', our protagonists find themselves working together to clear the former Malfoy Manor of its dark devices and then find themselves even closer together, like it or not. 'Let Them Eat Cake' - it's Snape's birthday and he suffers the attentions of his students about as well as you'd expect. Busaikko: 'R and D' - when circumstances force Severus Snape to flee his comfortable dungeons, he's almost happy to take up residence in Grimmauld Place for a little research over the summer. 'The God of Things as They Ought To Be' - Or maybe this should be renamed 'How Remus Lupin Spent His Midlife Crisis'? 'Here, Where the World is Quiet' - Severus' fortieth birthday began in what was euphemistically called a "safe house." He had to be grateful that it was not a cell in Azkaban and that he was not, technically, a criminal, despite the fact that he was not allowed out. Harry Potter had testified to the Wizengamot about Severus' role in Voldemort's defeat, and Severus had allowed his brain to be tipped out into a Pensieve and perused by the curious. At the time, he had simply wanted to avoid execution. cave_canem 'Just One Little Change' - pushed to breaking point, Snape decides to tinker with things that would have been better left alone. Chazpure: 'Eyes of the Beholder' [link goes to main page of archive] - badly injured in the final struggle against Voldemort, Remus Lupin finds himself being tended by someone whose identity he cannot discern. Chelle: 'What We're Fighting For' from the 'Snupin Santa' challenge - Remus has joined Fenrir's werewolf pack and is becoming too accustomed to all that being a part of it means, so Dumbledore sends Severus Snape to try and bring him back. Things don't go quite as anyone has anticipated and loyalties begin to be questioned. Circe: 'Sympathy for the Devil' is dark and unpleasant, with a look at Snape that's distinctly uncomfortable. Snape uses Occlumency on Lupin but does he know what he's letting himself in for? cmshaw: In 'No Choice of Poisons', a dark take on the year Lupin spent teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, Remus finds himself entering into an agreement with Severus Snape in exchange for his Wolfsbane.
Copperbadge: 'Animals and Angels' - what would it take for Lupin to actually have to make a choice between Snape and Black? Fans of Sirius Black may wish to pass on to another story... Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Black. Diana Williams: 'Hidden Memories' - Lupin tries to help Snape, who has amnesia. Can their newfound relationship survive when his memories return? Ellen Fremedon: In 'A Strong Defense', it's all about survival. 'The Skull Beneath the Skin' is another spectacularly good Snape/Lupin story, with Remus sniffing out Severus' most deeply-held secret. 'The Fever of the Bone - in danger of exposure, Snape finds an unlikely ally in the man he really doesn't want to help. Eulalie Moire: 'Public Adoration' - the morning after the night before turns out, to his disappointment, not to be as Snape expected. FedzGurl: 'Oblivio Persona Inimicus Careo' - determined to disappear after the war against Voldemort, Snape hatches a plan that should grant him the anonymity he seeks, if his theory is correct. Except that one stubborn werewolf isn't going along with the hypothesis...
Harloprillalar: In 'Misanthropy, Lycanthropy, And The Pursuit Of Knowledge" (great title!), Lupin agrees to become Snape's guinea pig, more out of boredom than anything else. Helen: In 'Third Time's the Charm', Dumbledore reinstates Professor Lupin, since things in the wizarding world are so chaotic nobody is likely to notice, and Snape works on improving the Wolfsbane potion. Jintian: 'The Persons We Were' - Lupin is badly injured as the result of a mission Dumbledore sent him on and Snape finds his interest in the werewolf oddly changed from when they were students. Josan: 'Snape and Son' - pass quickly by the not-so-inspired title, this is a sweet and beautifully-characterised story of Snape discovering he's not alone in the world, in more ways than one. 'The Diary' - Severus Snape is keeping even more secrets than everyone suspects...
Kalena: 'Home Improvement' - left practically destitute after the war against Voldemort is over, Remus Lupin finds himself agreeing to take on a particular job for Harry Potter. However, the renovation of 12 Grimmauld Place proves difficult and Remus finds himself needing assistance from a certain irascible potions master. Keieru: 'Night Vision' - Sent out together into the Forbidden Forest by Dumbledore, our heroes discover all sorts of things about themselves and each other.
Klynie: 'A Devil Haunts Thee' - crippled in the war against Voldemort, Harry is living at Grimmauld Place with Remus Lupin, little knowing that the werewolf has a secret. It's only when the Minister of Magic begins to move against Harry's friends, as a way to get at Harry himself, that the truth is revealed in all its complexity and an unlikely alliance joins to fight Scrimgeour's plans. Snape/Lupin/Harry, Lupin/Harry, Snape/Lupin, Snape/Harry Lady Feylene: 'Time Heals All Wounds' - since Lupin apparently can't get past losing Sirius Black, Snape decides to do something about the matter. 'Variations in Arcadia' - Life, Remus Lupin had learned early on, wasn’t fair. Lightgetsin: 'Vivify' - Sirius Black has returned but now it's Harry Potter who's missing. Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Black, Snape/Lupin/Black.
Llama: 'The Importance of Being Moony' - Snape takes refuge in a cottage with Lupin, which is uncomfortable for both of them. 'Of Mortal Bondage' - "It didn't take long to tame this wolf, did it?" In the aftermath of laws against werewolves, Lupin finds himself sold to Severus Snape, but is all as it seems? Louise Lux: 'Nothing Like the Sun' - Snape catches Lupin in the middle of preparing a dangerous potion, and what's worse he's doing it badly. Marginaliana: 'Mooning Over the Mariphasa' - in need of a test subject, Snape persuades Lupin to help him, only for the two of them to become ensnared in another situation together. McKay: 'Wicked Game' is clever, well plotted, not to mention damn hot, and blissfully free of the MarySue's (in disguise as HP characters and otherwise) who seem to infest this fandom. You can find all three parts of this lengthy series, here, here and here . 'For Life' - there are a number of 'werewolves can't kill their mates' stories in this pairing and this is one of the better ones.
'The Way of the World' - Remus Lupin has successfully turned his back on the Wizarding world. Now Snape tracks him down, wanting to know how he did it. 'The Root of All Midnight Blues' - Snape just wants sex, not love, but Lupin isn't prepared to enter into a relationship without both and finds himself someone else. 'It Helps' - even more than most holiday fics, I usually avoid Valentine's Day stories like the proverbial plague they are. This one is a welcome exception. Snape receives an unexpected note, and then an even more unexpected visitor. Preslash. 'Tempest Tossed' - I've been waiting impatiently for McKay to finish this WiP and now it's done! Stranded on an island in the Bermuda triangle together, Remus and Severus are forced into an uneasy truce in order to survive. 'Unique in All the World' co-written with Arionrhod - another WiP I've been waiting for the end of... Snape forces Lupin to marry him by the use of an arcane marriage law, and as usual where Snape is concerned there's more to this whole scenario than initially meets the eye. 'Denial Ain't Just a River' - after Voldemort's defeat, Snape's only way to survive is by making amends to the people he's wronged and Remus Lupin is the last on his list. Mia Ugly: 'Worse Things' - When Snape was in love, he was methodical. He collected moments, fragrances, small slices of time and space. He collected information and memory as if they were so many exotic butterflies, to be pinned and labelled and catalogued. It was clinical. It was systematic. Any outside observer would have mistaken the symptoms for obsession, or at the very most, scientific curiosity. MusIgneus: In 'A Cure for Dreams' Lupin is living on Dumbledore's charity after anti-werewolf legislation makes it impossible for him to work and thinking about his recent encounters with Snape. In the same series of stories (all of which work quite well also as stand-alones), I'm also very fond of 'All Good Things' and 'The Tilting Earth' (though the latter is quite violent in parts). Likewise 'A Question of Tea' is excellent - Snape is jealous? Surely not. 'Male Bonding' takes the old cliché about werewolves mating for life and gives it new energy when Snape and Lupin find themselves sharing the same cell. 'Power of Suggestion' - after the war ends, Harry Potter is in charge, which is bad news for Severus Snape in a world where not everything is as it seems. Non-con. 'A Kind of Redemption' - Sirius Black is trapped, his interference in the fledgling relationship between Snape and Lupin at school making him play unwilling voyeur to their relationship after his death. 'Not All Roads Lead Home' - after the events of HBP, Lupin goes looking for Severus Snape and unfortunately finds him. 'Smoke Instead of Sunlight' - surprised to encounter Snape after the death of Dumbledore, Lupin makes a decision that both of them might live to regret. Penumbra: 'Our Masters in the Flesh' - Snape is experimenting with the Wolfsbane, with Lupin as his more-than-willing research subject. r_grayjoy:
'To Keep Calendars in the Absence of Time' - from the
Rian 'All the World Drops Dead' - Severus had no idea what he was doing here in this tiny flat with this man that he hated and who hated him back.
rose_whispers 'Cygnus Atratus' - back at Hogwarts after it's all over with Voldemort, both Lupin and Snape find themselves in unaccustomed roles as they try to adjust to normality. And then an unexpected guest interferes with the relationship between them.
'All the Way Home' - Severus wandered aimlessly between the shops for a time, picking things up and setting them down, until the combined pressure of muffled whispers and blatant staring pushed him out onto the road and into the train station. He sat on a bench for a while, studying his crumpled list, then decided to abandon the restrictions of his awkward conscience, disregard the pains of his foolish heart, and follow his cock.
Rushlight 'Entertaining Angels' - foul weather makes odd companions.
'Four Christmas Eves Where Severus Snape and Remus Lupin Fail to Communicate... and One Where They Succeed' - McGonagall sighed and tapped her wand against the palm of her hand. “Severus, sometimes it’s not about you.” Snape/Lupin, Snape/Tonks
Scheming Reader:
'This Might Take Me A Little Time' - Who knows why a werewolf does anything, he thought, and tried to reconcile his image of pensive, thoughtful Lupin with this person who was willing to whore himself out in exchange for a few hours in one of Severus' armchairs reading this or that rare grimmoire or scholarly monograph.
'Carthage' - With magic, he could reform space and time according to his will, could undo gravity and material solidity. What magic could not do was to reverse the actions that had formed him. Even magic couldn't change his essential nature, distorted and malformed as it had been by his upbringing and his own bad decisions.
'Thirteen Ways' is a beautifully written story of growing interdependence. Snape loves to stare at Lupin with eyes that shine black, black, glittering black, clothing him in arrogance even when nude, but Snape does not like to be watched.
'Shapes in a Shadowbox' - six years in hiding and Lupin is the one who goes in search of Severus Snape, with unexpected results.
'Anything Quite So Unreal' - after all, there is something simple that can take the taste of Wolfsbane away.
'The Blue Door' - Even years after the fact, Bill Weasley is still angry about what Greyback did to him - Remus Lupin is the one man who should understand, who should be able to help him, but what exactly does that 'help' entail? Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Bill Weasley.
'Trying' - Snape loses the plot and only one person can help him.
An excellent series of three stories: 'Skin Deep', 'A Lesser Light' and 'That The Night Come', charting the growing relationship between Snape and Lupin from an initial position of distrust, as they learn far more about one another's tangled pasts than they ever expected.
'Such Civil War' - If it didn't matter, then nothing mattered any more. And perhaps nothing did. Not much had mattered to Snape, not for a long, long time.
'The Bargain' - Lupin plots to get an imprisoned Snape released from custody, in exchange for a favour of his choosing.
'Dark Wizards Anonymous' - despite his role in the overthrow of Voldemort, Snape has a number of serious restrictions placed on him. One is that he attends a certain self-help group, along with a number of his former Death Eater colleagues. And a werewolf of his acquaintance, who seems to be using that unlikely group to expand his social circle.
The Treacle Tart:
'The Very Air He Breathed' - Snape creates a new potion for which he has great hopes and Lupin has a part to play as an unwitting guinea pig in the testing of it.
'Evolution' - at a loose end after the death of Sirius Black, Lupin finds himself helping Snape with the most mundane of tasks as their relationship evolves.
'Sojourn' - surely one day Lupin will get over the loss of Sirius Black. Or at least that's what Snape is desperately hoping will happen...
'Give or Take a Century' - Snape decides that, after everything he's gone through, he deserves to be happy. But how is he to make this a reality?
Violet Quill:
'Wolf Masterson' - in the house at Spinners End, Snape finds a piece of muggle technology he doesn't understand. When he finally figures out how to make it work, the outcome is surprising to say the least, particularly in respect of what he discovers about a former schoolmate.
Your Cruise Director:
'The Tumid Courtship' - Snape discovers just how Lupin used to support himself in the Muggle world (and it's not what you might think!).
'The Cold Comfort of the In-between' - just before the other shoe drops for Severus Snape, towards the end of HBP, he receives an unexpected request.
'An Ordinary World' - in the aftermath of the defeat of Voldemort, the wizarding world is left in ruins. Snape has been missing for two years, so why has he turned up now, at Lupin's flat of all places, and what are they going to do now?
Copperbadge: 'Animals and Angels' - what would it take for Lupin to actually have to make a choice between Snape and Black? Fans of Sirius Black may wish to pass on to another story... Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Black.
Delphi: 'The Turning of the Tide' - what it takes to turn a schoolboy into an Auror, and various other things along the way. Moody/Shacklebolt. Ellid: 'Truth' - Percy comes in from the cold but what secrets is he still harbouring? Lupin/Percy Weasley.
girl_tarte: 'Faint Indirections' - in the aftermath of Voldemort's defeat, Harry Potter has insisted on Snape's portrait being painted and hung in the headmaster's office. Now if only the current incumbent, not to mention Harry himself, could come to terms with the subject of the portrait in question. Neville/Percy Weasley, implied Snape/Harry. Graceland428: 'L'autre Bout du Monde' - scarred by his experiences in the war, Ron still tries to make plans for the future. Ron/Remus. Helen: 'Close Enough' has a post-war Ron and Harry getting into an on-off relationship. Ron/Harry.
Jay Tryfanstone: 'The Puppet Master' - don't let the pairings put you off, this is an excellent story. After the final battle, Voldemort plots but things don't go quite as he expects or hopes. Snape/Harry, Snape/Harry/Voldemort. jeddy: 'Sins of Omission' - Not by chance, he ended up in front of a new double grave tucked in a corner beneath the spread of an old oak. Despite the Ministry-bestowed headstone, the grave wasn't well made. The flat ledger stone on top of the grave was askew and wobbled slightly when he poked it with his toe. "Typical," he muttered. "Hero of the bloody Wizarding World and they still can't get past their prejudice.". Remus Lupin/Charlie Weasley. Jintian: 'A place to be' - in his efforts to destroy Voldemort, Harry Potter has just done a little too much and he's not the only one to pay the price. Harry/Neville (kind of). Josan: 'One Down, Two Across' - years after the fall of Voldemort, Harry Potter is now Head of the Aurors but his life has become one long round of memos and meetings. Into that staid regularity drops a mystery, one that will bring him face to face with someone he thought lost and a future he could never have expected. Snape/Harry (kind of), Harry/Other (to say who would spoil the surprise...).
Klynie: 'A Devil Haunts Thee' - crippled in the war against Voldemort, Harry is living at Grimmauld Place with Remus Lupin, little knowing that the werewolf has a secret. It's only when the Minister of Magic begins to move against Harry's friends, as a way to get at Harry himself, that the truth is revealed in all its complexity and an unlikely alliance joins to fight Scrimgeour's plans. Snape/Lupin/Harry, Lupin/Harry, Snape/Lupin, Snape/Harry Lalejandra: 'The Twilight Before' - There's a problem with Hogwarts. Blaise/Draco, but don't let that put you off... Lightgetsin: 'Vivify' - Sirius Black has returned but now it's Harry Potter who's missing. Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Black, Snape/Lupin/Black. Lulu Latrina: 'In Camera' - not necessarily my usual idea of pairings but damn hot all the same. In the distant future, papers are found that cast Harry Potter in a completely new light. Snape/Harry, Harry/Sirius, Snape/Harry/Sirius. Mad Maudlin: 'In Thy Orisions Be' - Ron Weasley has been staring at Snape for weeks and there can't be a good explanation for that, there really can't. And when Snape discovers just why it's been happening, he doesn't quite know what to think. Snape/Ron, Snape/Regulus. Maeglin Yedi: 'The Semblance of Peace' - everyone keeps telling Harry Potter that Voldemort is dead, but though he knows better, Harry is in no position to tell anyone... Snape/Harry (who is 18), Snape/Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Tom Riddle
McKay 'Better Than Handsome' - when a curse means that Lupin's wolf side has taken over, Neville is the only one prepared to do whatever it takes to help him. Lupin/Neville.
mskatonic: 'Death of a Potions Master' - after the showdown with Voldemort, Remus Lupin unexpectedly finds that he is still alive, in this story that conveniently puts aside little things like the source material killing him off. And apparently he's not the only one who didn't die as intended. Harry/Lupin, Snape/Harry/Lupin. Nimori: In 'That Never Felt a Wound' Snape is being haunted, with no prizes for guessing who by. Snape/Black, Snape/Harry. 'The Blaze of Noon' - Sirius Black returns from beyond the Veil. Snape/Harry, Snape/Harry/Black. Reddwarfer 'Novelty of the Conundrum' - so, it's not just Harry Potter who has a 'saving people' thing? Snape/Harry, Snape/Lockhart. Snegurochka_lee: 'The Blue Door' - Even years after the fact, Bill Weasley is still angry about what Greyback did to him - Remus Lupin is the one man who should understand, who should be able to help him, but what exactly does that 'help' entail? Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Bill Weasley.
Switchknife: 'A Journey in Ten Lies' - In the days after Sirius dies, everyone avoids talking to Remus. Everyone except Bill, anyway... Remus/Bill Weasley, Remus/Sirius Tarie: 'Paint it Black' - when the three of them are effectively trapped in a safehouse, Ron Weasley is convinced that Snape can help Harry deal with what's going on, if only he'd agree to do so. Snape/Ron, Snape/Ron/Harry. The Treacle Tart: 'The Measure of a Man' - Remus Lupin has left the world of wizards but an anonymous phone call threatens to drag him back to things he wants to forget. Lupin/Bill Weasley. 'New Beginnings and Old Tree Houses' - Ron Weasley is an Auror but finds the job isn't what he expected it would be, and his lovelife also leaves something to be desired. An unforeseen turn of events finds Ron taking responsibility for three children, survivors of a violent incident that nobody else is interested in; first he turns to Lupin for help, and then for more than that... Ron Weasley/Remus Lupin
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