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Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel | ||||||||
Due South | ||||||||
The Eagle / Eagle of the Ninth | ||||||||
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Harry Potter (gen) |
Harry Potter (Snape/Harry) | |||||||
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Harry Potter (Snape/Weasley) |
Harry Potter (Snape/Other) | |||||||
Harry Potter (Snape/Lupin) |
Harry Potter (multiple & other pairings) | |||||||
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Invisible Man | L.A. Confidential | |||||||
Man from UNCLE | Master and Commander | |||||||
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Marvel (all universes) | ||||||||
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Miscellaneous Fandoms | Nero Wolfe | |||||||
Once a Thief | Original Fiction | |||||||
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Sherlock Holmes (various incarnations) |
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Person of Interest | Real Ghostbusters | |||||||
Southland | Star Wars | |||||||
Suits | White Collar | |||||||
Without a Trace | X Files | |||||||
Amorette: 'Obligation is a Pain' - even after his own death, Snape just can't seem to leave Harry Potter alone. 'Learning to Uncurl' - the whole concept of animagi has spawned some really entertaining fic, to which this story needs to be added. Harry, now teaching at Hogwarts, is making the most of his time as an animagus and wants Snape to share his enjoyment as well. Beth H. 'Kindred Spirits' - Hermione finds herself empathising with the house elves even more than usual. Bowdlerized: 'Very Hard Times' - thanks to Dumbledore, Severus Snape and Harry Potter are trapped together. An amusing story that's labelled as Snape/Harry but I think it's gen. Igenlode Wordsmith: 'The Water Horse' - with the aid of one of his students, Snape attempts to make a potion that can counteract Imperius, only to find himself battling the source of his main ingredient, a source that features in Professor McGonagall's own nightmares. Jay Tryfanstone: 'On the Naming Of Names' - dreams pursue Severus Snape in a world without magic till he takes control of the situation once and for all. JiM: In 'Of Arms and the Man', Snape pays a heavy price for choosing to aid Draco Malfoy and defy Voldemort. Jintian: 'To the Ghost' - Years later, as he sat alone on the Hogwarts Express, Draco's thoughts drifted back to all of these things, like debris pushed onto shore. Outside his window the land fell away from the tracks like the slow-moving surface of a sea, at once familiar and strange, pushing memories from hiding places and old dreams awake. Josan: After Voldemort's defeat, Snape's life has taken a decided turn for the worst until the day Bill Weasley goes looking for him with a view to offering him a contract to work for Gringott's, in 'Once Upon a Time in Egypt'. A Man of Property has Snape at his most in character, coming into possession of property without falling foul of the many Snape Manor cliches. 'The Veil' - Sirius Black wasn't the only one who fell through... 'The Brewer' - another engrossing tale, this time setting up a possible future for Severus Snape when the Wizengamot has dealt with him and decided exile is to be his fate. 'The Garden', where it's Snape taking a horticultural turn as he tries to come to terms with what's happened to him after the war against Voldemort. Julie Fortune: in 'Dark Avatar', which can be found in two parts, here and here, something terrible happens to a Slytherin student, forcing Professors Snape and McGonagall to investigate. Kai 'Justice for All' - why exactly does Albus Dumbledore trust Severus Snape so much? Kay Taylor: 'Inevitability' - given the chance to end the war with Voldemort once and for all, just what lengths will Harry go to in order to change what seems like inevitable defeat, and what future will his choices create? 'elle avoit vu le loup' - Hermione remembers the moment when she first saw the wolf; how could she forget it? Kindkit: 'Mors Mortis' - in the aftermath of winning, Voldemort makes a significant decision that will cause his regime to crumble. krabapple: 'The Cultivation of Lilacs' - Harry is at Hogwarts, the first DADA professor in recent memory to last more than a year, and he's discovering there are things he didn't know... lazy_neutrino: 'These Childish Things' - yes, I know there's a multitude of stories where someone gets turned into a child, but this one is a little different, I promise! Gen. LizBee: OCs are sadly not in short supply in the Harry Potter fandom, but it makes a pleasant change to come across one in a story who seems three-dimensional. In 'Girl Most Likely' Harry Potter, now an Auror but still trying to come to terms with his own fame, encounters Severus Snape's daughter Lilith and becomes embroiled in the mystery that surrounds her. 'Maps to the Stars' Homes' - Harry leaves England after the war, searching for a place where he can find peace. lotrwariorgodss: 'This Moratorium On Life' - "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live…". Maelwaedd: 'Needles or Nay' - just what has Harry Potter done to himself this time?
Marginaliana: 'Dear Aunt Snape' - Snape becomes the world's most unlikely agony aunt, and proves to be unexpectedly well-suited to the job.
Nomad: 'Learning Curve' - just what is it that Harry Potter really needs? 'The Tangled Web' - It has taken many decades to bring his plan together. Some things cannot be rushed. Everything must be perfectly polished and perfectly placed, or all his work will come to nothing. You cannot have almost a legend. Sioniann: 'How the Story Ends' - Neville Longbottom has always been forgetful. Snowballjane: In 'Games of Skill and Chance' Snape finds himself unexpectedly at the centre of things in a post-war Hogwarts. The Treacle Tart: 'Unlocking Doors' - what is behind the mysterious door at the Ministry of Magic and why should Percy Weasley care? 'Lesser Languages' - what does Severus Snape see in the Mirror of Erised? Torch: A fantastic gen fic, 'A Spirit of Brotherhood', exploring the gnarly relationships that exist between Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Masterful, as usual. 'Hair of the dog' - the consequences of a long-standing hatred... Yevgenie: 'Lilacs Out of the Dead Land' - Teach the boy, Dumbledore had said. Snape snorted quietly. Take the recklessness and the blindness and the mess of swirling hormones that usually went toward skiving studies and chasing girls rather than any sort of real power (except in Slytherin House, where the chasing girls went toward the power) – and set that confused knot of contradictions to learning Snape's own bloodstained past. Teach him all your knowledge, marry it to his innate power – why not just build yourself a new master, while you're at it.
Abaddon: 'By The Light of Lesser Stars' - just what does it take to defeat a Dark Lord anyway?
Abstract Concept: In 'Pink' and its sequel 'Teacher's Pet', Harry masters the animagus transformation, apparently solely for the purpose of making Snape's life a misery. 'Hope Raises No Dust' - It was cold and starless the night Severus Snape came crawling back into Harry Potter’s life. 'Stick' - when Snape is let go after being charged with the murder of Dumbledore, what will he do now?
'End of the World' - Voldemort has won and he's let Harry Potter live. Pre-slash. 'Magnificent Penetration' - While Voldemort has been defeated, there are enough Death Eaters still running around to pose a threat, so Harry and Snape are forced into hiding together in Grimmauld Place. Should I just say 'hijinks ensue' and leave it at that? adbaculum: 'The Importance of Record-keeping for the New Entrepreneur' - I'm not normally a big fan of fic where one or other character becomes a prostitute, but for this story I'll make an exception. Snape has fallen on hard times and turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet. However, old habits die very hard. amand-r: 'Odysseus's Last Days' - It's nice, in the sun, for the most part. Because every day has started this way for the past four years, and every afternoon has been much the same, for perhaps this first hour. It's easy to forget, because he has always been alone at this hour, and so it takes a while for him to realize that time has ticked by and that the regular time at which he should have heard footfalls on the patio has come and gone, and there is no one to belittle his tea-making skills or scoff at his bakery choices. Remembering is like hearing all over again. (Don't forget to read the warnings). Amorette: In 'The Measure of Our Torment' Harry comes back from ten years abroad to find the wizarding world much changed, and not for the better.
Anise 'Vision in Colour' - a traumatised Harry seeks a form of sanctuary at Hogwarts after the death of Ron and Hermione, but discovers it's not quite what he expected. Armand Malfoy: 'Lachrymose' is an intriguing story (that could have done with just a little more Britpicking for my tastes) which gives us a much darker Snape than usual and a Harry Potter who's drowning in a mixture of caffeine and regrets. Harry, now an Auror investigating murders, is given the job of hunting down Snape since his former professor is the prime suspect in a series of gruesome deaths. Implied Snape/Harry.
Atrata: 'The Upper Deep' - what is illusion and what is reality? Harry struggles to make sense of things and figure out just what is real. Aucta Sinistra: 'Beech Hall'. Harry gets fed up with being the hero all the time and buys a house in the country, ending up with Severus Snape as a reluctant houseguest. There's also an epilogue, 'Without Ceremony'. 'Quid Pro Quo' - Harry has been cursed and needs Snape's help to deal with it, while Snape clearly wants something in return for his efforts but ends up getting more than he expected. 'Pariah' has an interesting take on post-Hogwarts Harry. This time round, Harry is suffering the consequences of defeating Voldemort, having been considered responsible for heavy casualties along the way. 'Hollow' has Harry returning to rebuild the family home at Godric's Hollow after Voldemort is finally destroyed, only to receive an unexpected visitor in the form of Snape, who everyone thought had turned traitor. 'The Kiss' - unexpected behaviour in the Potions laboratory gives Harry all sorts of ideas. 'Sick' - after a mission for the Order together, Snape gets sick and Harry has to persuade him that it's okay to allow himself to be looked after... 'Bitten' - a murder is committed by a vampire, who needs to leave the country in a hurry afterwards. Snape is involved, of course, as Harry discovers how much truth there is to the rumours of Snape's own tendencies in that direction. 'Covenant' - in the middle of the search for the Horcruxes, Harry comes to understand both the role Snape is playing and to come to some kind of accord with him. beckaandzac: 'Non-Verbal' - in the final battle, something happened to Harry Potter, something that left him unable to speak. Now, of course, the only person who can help him is one Professor Snape... Beth H.: 'In Dreams' - what does Severus Snape dream about? 'The Mark of Cain' - a cunning spell makes Snape isolated and under the thumb of the Ministry of Magic while still keeping him part of the Wizarding world as a whole. Meanwhile Harry Potter is still struggling to come to terms with how the world has changed. 'Going Postal' - even from beyond the grave, Albus Dumbledore is a meddling busybody. 'The Second Time Around' - Snape is resolutely heterosexual, really he is, even if the way he finds himself reacting to one Harry Potter makes him wonder at times... 'Forsaking All Others' - though Bellatrix Lestrange has no idea what Snape is really up to, and with who, she curses him anyway. Now his relationship with Harry Potter, whatever that relationship truly is, has been disrupted and there's no telling if it can be fixed. Calligraphy: 'So Lonely Without Me' - Harry Potter and Severus Snape are literally trapped together in a claustrophobic hiding place where their only company is each other. 'The Fourth Year' - in his role as Snape's minder/keeper, Harry Potter's attitude towards his former professor makes a sea change even as Snape struggles with Muggle technology and his nascent addiction to daytime soap operas.
Catrinella: 'Losing Count' - the aftermath of ridding the world of Voldemort has been something of a disappointment for Harry Potter. Chazpure: 'Worse Than the Disease' by chazpure - something is clearly very wrong with Severus Snape but can Harry figure out what it is? cimorene: 'Hymn to Eurydike' - friends or enemies? Why can't they be both? debchan: In 'What He Wants', stuck together at Grimmauld Place over the summer after the death of Sirius Black, Snape discovers just how far Harry will go to get his godfather back. Dementor Delta: If you have a problem with snakes, then you might want to avoid 'Parseltongue-Tied' - read the warning, eh? *g* Otherwise, you may love this story to bits, like I do. 'Over Tea' is a beautifully-written story with the relationship between Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape serving as a backdrop for implied Snape/Harry. In 'No Room at the Inn' Harry is relentless and Snape finally gives in. 'A Three Potion Problem' has Severus Snape taking on the role of Sherlock Holmes when Harry admits that he's being blackmailed. In 'Dumbledore's Folly' Snape is forced into courting Harry because of a clause in Dumbledore's will. 'A Day and a Half in the Life' - back at Hogwarts as a teacher, Harry Potter seems determined to make a nuisance of himself once more. 'Anybody Else' - Snape had that pleased expression on his face that used to mean he was going to fetch Professor McGonagall to expel him, but probably meant Harry had done okay. 'I Dream of Harry' - well, I'm not going to go quite as far as some people in their praise of this story, but I enjoyed it very much (which is hardly surprising, considering the author). Snape finds himself compelled to buy a particular item and has no idea just how what it contains will impact his life in this Hogwarts-based AU story. 'The World As It Is' - the war is long over and Snape paid a higher price than many, losing his sight in the process. Harry is happily in business with Neville Longbottom when Snape arrives in his life once more, peremptory as ever. 'Between the Lines', a lengthy story set in year 6 and 7 of Harry Potter's Hogwarts days. Already fascinated with a certain potions book, Harry discovers something else unexpected about it, and subsequently about the person who previously owned it. Harry is 17/18. Diagonalist: 'The Afterwards' - the survivors find their way through the minefield of post-War hopes and fears. 'Tactical Invitation' - Harry gets an offer just as Snape gets to the end of his tether. 'Every Wand I've Ever Sold' - in a world where nobody remembers who Harry Potter (or indeed Voldemort) is, Harry is just about used to that fact when he runs into Professor Snape. And Harry is surprised to discover that Snape remembers him, when nobody else does. Diana Williams: 'The Courtship of Harry Potter' by Diana Williams - the wizarding world has its own rituals, as Harry is about to find out. Dracofiend: 'The Ridiculousness of the Situation Cannot Be Overlooked' - though he's involved with Harry, Snape convinces himself there's something going on between him and a certain handsome Quidditch player. 'The Silver Doe' - Harry jerks out two handfuls of grass and his neck cracks as he whips it around. He'd been kneeling, twisting soft blades in his fingers and losing himself in the silence of Snape's grave. He looks up--and for just a second he can't breathe. (spoilers for DH, if anyone reading this actually doesn't know what happens in that book by now...). Ellen Fremedon: In 'Returns of the Day' it's Harry's 18th birthday and he's still struggling to come to terms with his part in the war against Voldemort when another birthday means another year he hasn't done what was prophesied. 'Within the Pale' is the sequel to 'Returns of the Day' - under siege from Death Eaters, those remaining at Hogwarts find themselves bound even closer together. 'Noons of Dryness' completes the trilogy - the siege of Hogwarts is finally broken and neither of them had really ever expected to survive. Femme: In 'Gratia Plena', we discover that even from beyond the grave, Albus Dumbledore is causing trouble as Snape wrestles with his feelings for Harry. 'Praemedicatus' - watching Snape continue to be a spy in Voldemort's camp is too much for Harry to deal with. Fox: 'Credulity and Conviction' - overhearing part of a conversation, Harry becomes convinced that Snape has only got six months left to live. GatewayGirl: 'The Principle of Like to Like' and 'The Balance of Force and Reaction' - Hermione's research leads Harry towards a plan to destroy Voldemort, which may also resurrect Sirius Black as a side effect, but which requires the whole-hearted cooperation of one Severus Snape. Geneticallydead: 'Möbius' - Harry comes back to Hogwarts, hailed by all as the killer of Voldemort, but that isn't anything like what happened in reality... gingertart50: 'Echoes' - for once a story that's managing to deal with the whole Harry-Ginny situation without unnecessary amounts of Weasley-bashing. With his children now all at Hogwarts, Harry finds himself living in Grimmauld Place again when memories of someone else's past intrude in what other people think he wants from his future. 'Being Snape' - curious to know what it feels like, and wracked with guilt over the outcome of the war against Voldemort, Harry uses Polyjuice to turn himself into Snape and discovers more than he expected. 'A Glow of Candlelight' - after the war against Voldemort, Harry finds himself obsessed with Snape and drags his usual accomplices along with him to find out exactly what happened to the other man. 'Getting Familiar' - I have a real weakness for animagus stories and so I enjoyed this one immensely... Snape fakes his own death in the Shrieking Shack but can't help himself, he has to know what has happened. Using his animagus form, he finds himself once more defending Harry Potter, even as he tries to figure out exactly what is going on post-War. girl_tarte: 'Death Row' - Harry has been captured by the Deatheaters and deprived of his voice, though they need him alive because of the prophecy. Because the others have a tendency to get carried away, despite being busy with other things, Snape unwillingly becomes his guard. Regardless of what the headers say, this is now a complete story, not a WiP. hikaru: 'Nothing But Scars' - to call Harry Potter obsessive is something of an understatement as he searches for Severus Snape, bent on vengeance. Ishafel: 'Conjure-Man' - Harry finds him in New Orleans, seven years after the war ends. A ruined man, in a ruined city: a shadow on the edge of a television screen, part of something Harry doesn't want to believe is happening. (Spoilers for Deathly Hallows, if that matters to you...) Isolde: 'Between a Rock and a Hard Place - A ceremony reveals an unexpected secret and Harry must get married or else, no matter what Sirius thinks about it. jadzialove: 'Persona Non Grata' - back from his travels, Harry discovers that despite his part in the defeat of Voldemort, Severus Snape is being treated badly by wizarding shopkeepers and vows to do something about it. Of course, Snape has something to say about that... 'Of Cabbages and Kings' - after the War against Voldemort, the only thing that Harry Potter can feel is tired. Nobody can figure out how to help him and in the end it's one of Luna's crazy relatives who unexpectedly reveals just what is going on... Jay Tryfanstone: 'On Wednesday' - I thought I'd recced this one before. Harry doesn't remember who he is and the world is conspiring to make him think he's losing his mind. Implied Snape/Harry. And we have a sequel of sorts - in 'Apricot Dreaming', Snape finds everything about his world turned upside down by the man he rescued from supposed insanity. 'Fly Fishing for Beginners' - having retired, Snape is bored and hatches a plan. It's all Hermione Granger's fault, really, when he takes an interest in Muggle literature and as a result runs into his most famous former student once again. A series of three stories - 'Humour', 'Melancholia' and 'Consanguinity' - deals with the aftermath of the destruction of Voldemort, the survival of Severus Snape and Harry Potter's consideration of revenge on him for the death of Dumbledore. Find all three here. 'Black Story' - not a chance I wouldn't be reccing this story which contains dark and disturbing elements, now it's done... Snape returns, a broken man, to a Hogwarts that's existing in a world Harry Potter's desire to rewrite the past has made. 'Nettle Soup and Gooseberries' - just a few short weeks after the end of the war, changes within Wizarding society make Severus Snape decide to take drastic action. 'The Puppet Master' - don't let the pairings put you off, this is an excellent story. After the final battle, Voldemort plots but things don't go quite as he expects or hopes. Snape/Harry, Snape/Harry/Voldemort. JiM: In 'Lest I Wither' - Someone has poisoned Harry Potter while he was working for the Ministry of Magic and it's up to Snape to save him, if he can. Josan: 'Severus and the Crup' is an unusual story, set in a post-Voldemort world where the Dark Lord's attempt to destroy Hogwarts has destroyed magic itself. Those who survive live a very changed life, Severus Snape among them, until the day he encounters a magical creature, one that should no longer exist. 'Betrayals'. What if it all went wrong for Severus Snape? That's the initial premise of this fic, with Snape thrown into Azkaban and abandoned by the people he once trusted. Not everyone thinks he's guilty of the charges against him, though... Snape/OMC, heavily implied Snape/Harry. Juwel: 'Truce' - Harry returns to Hogwarts, intent on making amends. Juxian Tang: 'Fools Night' - he'd always hated Valentine's Day and this year Severus Snape has good reason to hate it even more. Kalena: 'Clause and Effect' - I've never been a major fan of holiday stories, since most of them are much too saccharine for my taste, but for this story I'll make an exception. Snape is working for Harry Potter after the war, always wondering when that 'and other services as required' clause in his magical contract is going to kick in. Kass: In 'Clay', working together our protagonists find a way to destroy Voldemort once and for all and discover truths about themselves along the way. 'Fool' has Snape making an unexpected discovery about Harry and what he wants from an April Fool's trick on his students. But of course, nothing is ever quite as simple as that. Klynie: 'A Devil Haunts Thee' - crippled in the war against Voldemort, Harry is living at Grimmauld Place with Remus Lupin, little knowing that the werewolf has a secret. It's only when the Minister of Magic begins to move against Harry's friends, as a way to get at Harry himself, that the truth is revealed in all its complexity and an unlikely alliance joins to fight Scrimgeour's plans. Snape/Lupin/Harry, Lupin/Harry, Snape/Lupin, Snape/Harry 'The Trial of Henri Blanc' - years after the end of the war against Voldemort, has Harry Potter finally tracked down Severus Snape, or is the man standing trial for the murder of Dumbledore really who he says he is, a Frenchman called Henri Blanc who played no part in the war? 'Love, Pregnancy and Camel-Riding' - if only Harry hadn't taken his son's forgotten packed lunch to where he was working, and if only Scorpius Malfoy knew better Latin... 'Rathmullan Pier' - struggling under the burden of a curse, Harry seeks seclusion and finds more than he expected. Leni Jess: 'Master and Man' - from Professor Snape's point of view, Harry Potter is finally starting to show some promise where Occlumency is concerned... Snape/Harry, historic Snape/Lucius 'In the Bleak Midwinter' - in hiding, Snape gets an unexpected visitor. 'Alliance' - now a professional Quidditch player, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts and finds that the world he helped create is not as it should be. 'In Dreams Begin Responsibilities' - stuck in St Mungo's as the Wizarding world demands he prove he's no threat, just how can Harry convince anyone he doesn't want to follow in Voldemort's footsteps? lesyeuxverts: 'Provocation' - after the war, Harry Potter is teaching at Hogwarts and being polite to Professor Snape, which only serves to irritate the Potions master. Determined to make Potter lose his cool, Snape does his best to be the snarky bastard we all know and love. Louise Lux: 'Hearts and Flowers' - caught in flagrante by Dobby, they have only just begun to learn the meaning of the word 'suffering'. Loupgarou1750: Anyone who knows me knows that angst is my thing, so I was almost certain to love this story - 'From the Darkness'. It's a bleak post-Hogwarts story that tells of a relationship falling apart. 'The Burning Time' - as everything falls apart, Harry is visited in his dreams by one particular spectre. Lulu Latrina: 'In Camera' - not necessarily my usual idea of pairings but damn hot all the same. In the distant future, papers are found that cast Harry Potter in a completely new light. Snape/Harry, Harry/Sirius, Snape/Harry/Sirius. Luthien: 'A Solitary Pleasure' - just what is Professor Snape's engrossing new hobby? Maeglin Yedi: 'No Good Deed' - needing to know exactly why Snape killed Dumbledore, Harry has to work hard in order to find out the details. 'The Semblance of Peace' - everyone keeps telling Harry Potter that Voldemort is dead, but though he knows better, Harry is in no position to tell anyone... Snape/Harry (who is 18), Snape/Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Tom Riddle Mahaliem: 'Potion Commotion' - Snape is planning to get his revenge on Harry Potter, but Dumbledore interferes and Harry seems to have plans of his own. Majenta: 'Human' - contemplation in the aftermath of what is meant to be victory. Marginaliana: 'Portrait of the Hero as a Young Man' - what's life like as a portrait at Hogwarts? The portrait of Harry Potter, aged 20, finds it's not as much fun as he initially thinks and ends up concocting a plan to make his life more fulfilling. Meri: For those who don't mind a little Adult!Harry/Snape, there's 'The Same Coin' - Harry returns to Hogwarts after everything is over, carrying literal scars of his war experiences and is forced, against his better judgement, to ask Snape for help. It takes Harry a while to grow up, but once he does then the story really hits its stride. 'A Time For All Things' - it's clear what Harry Potter thinks he wants, but things are never quite as simple as that, as Harry is about to discover. 'Coldest Night' - if there's one thing Harry Potter has learned, it's that the past is hard to get away from. 'Jerusalem' - they've been having dinner together regularly, for years, but is that really all there is to say about Harry Potter and Severus Snape's relationship? 'A Hiding to Nothing' - since Azkaban is short on Dementors, the remaining Death Eaters are punished by becoming indentured servants for life and the Wizengamot refuses to accept any evidence exonerating Snape for the murder of Dumbledore. Merri-Todd Webster: 'Do As You Like' poses this question: now that the war against Voldemort is over, what is there left for Harry Potter to do? Mia Ugly: 'Hush' - he doesn't miss Harry. Absolutely not. Even if Dumbledore insists that he does. 'Night Watch' - Harry Potter is held prisoner by Voldemort after the war has turned in the Dark Lord's favour. Voldemort has discovered the link between their lives, so Harry cannot be killed but must be both contained and always watched, his night time guard one Severus Snape, incapacitated in the battle that gave Voldemort his victory. Miriam Heddy: 'What Dire Offence' - when he comes back to Hogwarts as a teacher, Harry Potter finds that all sorts of things aren't quite as he'd expected they would be. Mosh: [no live link] 'The Fundamental Elements of Distraction' - Harry is very much a distraction, as Severus Snape is about to find out. 'Through the Trees' - Harry is at St Mungo's, but not recovering from the aftermath of defeating Voldemort. Can Snape save him once again? Implied Snape/Harry. Nimori: In 'That Never Felt a Wound' Snape is being haunted, with no prizes for guessing who by. Snape/Black, Snape/Harry. 'The Blaze of Noon' - Sirius Black returns from beyond the Veil. Snape/Harry, Snape/Harry/Black. 'Thyself a Memory' - in this bleak story, the punishment for convicted Deatheaters is to have their memory utterly removed, but can one particular convict find a way back? 'If This Be Error' - in an attempt to secure Snape's fealty, Harry invokes a spell but doesn't quite get all the details right, but he needs Snape's help anyway if he's going to lay his hands on one of the horcruxes. Who knew Snape would have a promising future as a bank robber? Nym: 'Recognition' [no functioning link at present] - Harry feels that Snape deserves something for the part he played in defeating Voldemort, even if the wizarding world seems determined to ignore his involvement. Scroll down to find this story on her fanfic page. Obsessed One: 'Once More With Feeling' - trapped together in a series of repeating events, Harry and Snape must discover just how to defeat Voldemort without getting themselves killed this time around. 'The Memory of Stone' - searching for a way to defeat Voldemort, both Harry and Snape find themselves living quite different lives than the ones they are accustomed to. ou_topos 'The Miseducation of S. Snape' - Snape discovers Harry is watching him during Potions class and takes the opportunity of detention to discover just how far the 17 year old Harry is prepared to go... Penumbra: A series of four linked stories, starting with 'Necessary Surrogates', take us into a world where Snape and Harry have an ambivalent but heated relationship in the middle of the war against Voldemort. Meanwhile in 'Conduits of Sorcery' we find a post-war Harry Potter returning to Hogwarts to supervise the Tri-Wizard Tournament, only to discover that a former nemesis is plotting once more and an unexpected alliance is forged. Nobody seems to be free from the scars of their past experiences in this story. 'Where There is Smoke' - Poppy Pomfrey discovers something she wasn't expecting when tending an injured Harry Potter. 'Seven Lesser Sins' - Snape is teaching Legilimency to members of the Order. Perfica: I'm not a great fan of fics involving children, but I liked 'The Care of Infants' as it avoids being maudlin quite nicely. Voldemort turns Harry into a baby and after he comes to the rescue, Snape is forced to look after him, before dealing with the repercussions of a spell that makes Harry age in fits and starts. 'On a Clear Day' - when they killed Voldemort, Harry Potter and Severus Snape never realised what would happen to everything else around them. Perverse Idyll: 'When the Rose and Fire Are One' - cursed by Voldemort, Harry Potter finds himself becoming more and more obsessed with Severus Snape, sneaking into the house at Spinner's End to watch him. Little does he know the truth of how Snape is being held there, let alone the implications for both of them when the truth comes out. Predatrix: 'The Love Song of Bastard and Idiot' is another fine (and lengthy! *g*) story. Snape is dosing himself up with potions but not for the reason Madam Pomfrey thinks. Ravenna C. Tan: 'The Company You Keep' - Snape is a recluse, haunted by the memories of the things he was forced to do in the service of Voldemort, but the past won't stay buried. Reddwarfer 'Novelty of the Conundrum' - so, it's not just Harry Potter who has a 'saving people' thing? Snape/Harry, Snape/Lockhart. 'In Medias Res' - when a spell goes wrong, Harry and Snape are left to face its consequences, together. Could have done with a bit of editing and/or Britpicking but it's still much more interesting than many of the stories posted in recent times... 'To Cause a Thousand Veils to Fall' - busy cleaning out the Ministry of Magic after the fall of Voldemort, Harry stumbles across something left behind by his mother and sets into motion a train of events he could never have anticipated. regan_v 'Consolation Prize' - Harry Potter makes an Unbreakable Vow of his own in order to have a chance to kill Voldemort, then has to live with its consequences. 'Property Rites' - the war is over and Snape has reluctantly gone home, even though his ancestral home isn't empty. Meanwhile, Harry has found himself a job relocating the wizarding world's many ghosts and, of course, their paths cross... Resonant: I loved 'The Familiar'. immediately, partly because it involved a plotline that hasn't been done 300 times by different authors - it all begins when Harry accidentally gets turned into a frog... There's a sequel of sorts - 'Wellspring' takes us further into Snape and Harry's relationship. Rex Luscus: 'Contrapasso' - Harry discovers revenge isn't all it's cracked up to be and that what he really wants is something even more terrifying to him. Ria: 'In Neglect' - "You're the Boy Who Lived, Potter," Snape says slowly, staring down at the chipped mug held tightly between his hands. "You will never live a normal life, no matter how hard you try." Rhaegal: 'Protean Charm' - stuck in Grimmauld Place over the summer holidays, Harry continues his lessons from Snape, while also wondering who he can trust when he begins to master his own powers. 'Release From Bondage' - now Voldemort is dead, just what is left for Snape to do? 'Elemental Magic' - in order to finally destroy Voldemort, Harry must complete a particular ritual with a man he has no reason to trust. 'Tabu' - at a loss for something to do, Harry ends up with a job in retail, little realising just what kind of shop he's agreed to work in. Rowan Grayjoy: 'Changing Seasons' - captured by Snape, Harry discovers that his imprisonment is something that can be turned to good use, in more ways than one. Sansa: 'A Scientific Approach' - Harry teases Snape once too often... 'Splinter' - Voldemort has been defeated but the price paid by the wizarding world for their victory is impossibly high. Some tolerate the new regime, while others oppose it outright. 'Life In Kind' - after everything is said and done, Harry is determined that Snape should be immortalised. But when no painter of wizarding portraits will take on his commission, he realises that there is nobody else to do the job... schemingreader: 'Train Songs' - Harry has gone on holiday by mistake and finds himself unexpectedly sharing a railway carriage with the last former-Deatheater he'd ever expected to see again. Meanwhile Snape himself is struggling to come to terms with the presence of Harry Potter in his life once more... 'Barmy' - "So many betrayals," Snape said, "so much intrigue, and so little sex. If only I'd never seen those James Bond movies. Severus Snape, international double agent and man of mystery. Damnit." Sinick and ac1dburn: 'Lion About the House' - Harry finally becomes an accomplished Animagus. With a wonderful illustration. 'Commonplace Magic' - a non-magical AU story, which in itself is something I wouldn't be reccing that often if it wasn't good. An unexpected exchange between two individuals whose path has crossed by chance leads to more than either of them would have believed. 'Two Lockets' - when the search for the Horcruxes goes horribly wrong, robbing both Ron and Hermione of their magic, Harry holes up in the only place he feels safe. There he remains, surrounded by the animated contents of the former Black residence, till he encounters Death Eaters on one of his rare trips outside and is forced to share his haven with a man he doesn't trust, a man whose own ties to the Blacks are stronger than Harry could suspect. 'No Place At All' - sick of being what everyone expected him to be, Harry Potter left it all behind and went travelling. Of course, if he'd expected to run into anyone on his journey, it was never going to be Severus Snape, even if he'd believed Snape was alive, let alone in circumstances like this. Sinope: 'Lucid' - just what does Severus Snape dream about? 'Negatives' - Potter can't be in a room with you without knowing exactly where you stand. Sometimes the thread between you feels so tangible to him that Potter jumps when people walk through it - a pulsing cord of hate you, hate you, hate you. Sioniann: 'Still Silence and Treasure' - a post-HBP story, where Harry is trapped in Gringotts only to be discovered by the only Death Eater whose presence he might survive. Sparrowhawk: In 'Caged', after 'killing' Voldemort, Snape is stuck in an isolated cottage with 'The Boy Who Whinged' and another even more unwelcome houseguest. starcrossedgirl: 'Chrysalis' - And Snape, in his silence, carrying so many secrets, biding his time for that final day, watching the pieces of the puzzle slot slowly together -- he would have understood, too, the isolation that even Ron and Hermione had never been able to take away. The understanding that, when it came down to it, the weight of the world couldn’t be shared, but that it rested solely with you. svartalfur: 'The Swing' - Snape is discovered alive, to everyone's surprise, but (as usual where Harry Potter is concerned) nothing is quite that simple. Snape/Harry (please read the warnings re: age). 'Chains' - Harry had won the war against Voldemort, but the peace afterwards was something he was having much more difficulty with... Snape/adult!Harry. Switchknife: In 'And Tell Me Who Is Victor', Harry has left Hogwarts and is an Auror now, working alongside Severus Snape as he makes the transition from apprentice to journeyman and then mastery. Tara Tory: I really enjoyed 'Turn Around', the premise of which made me laugh like a drain. Dumbledore is forced to allow Harry & Hermione to hatch a plot to free Snape from the control of the Dark Mark, with consequences for his relationship with Harry. I'm really hoping for a sequel. Snape/Harry. Then there's 'Hall of the Mountain Kings'. This lengthy story starts off as your run of the mill Snape-rescues-Harry-from-the-Dursleys story and then goes off in an intriguing direction of its own.
Tarie: 'Putting the Damage On' - in his search for the missing Horcruxes, Harry has a traumatic encounter at Grimmauld Place with the last person he wants to meet. The Treacle Tart: 'Negotiations' - Snape is now headmaster of Hogwarts and his first task is not to kill Harry Potter. thisveryinstant: Sometimes you just need a story that breaks away from the well-trodden paths of characterisation and isn't afraid to plough its own furrow. That's when stories like 'Truth' come into their own. Snape is so angry, so human as he struggles to deal with the events of Order of the Phoenix and his own past. Tira Nog: There are fanfic cliches and there are fanfic cliches, but a good writer can make even the most over-used plot idea sparkle with life. That's how it is with this story. 'A Nick in Time' sees Harry and Snape's lives both change dramatically; it's a sweet and moving story, with the promise of more to come. Pre-slash. There's now a lengthy sequel, 'Growing Pains', but out of the two stories I much prefer the prequel, though it feels like it was twisted a little out of shape in order to give the possibility of slash later on. Toft: 'Three Months' - Three months, they were without Harry. Then he came back, just like that. Tradescant: Two interlinked stories, 'Fidelius' and 'Secret Keeper', tell the claustrophobic story of the Boy Who Lived in hiding and the one man who knows where he is. Virginie: 'Nowhere Near' - Harry wakes, finding himself somewhere he'd never anticipated along with someone he'd never thought to see again. Yeats: 'And Invertebrates' - He heard the bang of a door in another part of the house; it syncopated with Potter's ragged breaths, the quiet noise expanding to fill the entire cavernous room like a winged bird, shaking its beaked head. Zillah: 'Sitting Still' - When he was asked about the final battle now, Snape claimed he didn't remember. It was a lie. |
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