'Living Dangerously' has Andrew Wells considering how his life has changed, mostly for the better, and discovering all sorts of things about himself.
Basingstoke: It's all about Andrew and the things that might have happened in the excellent and extremely long story, 'Big Rock Candy Mountain'. Andrew/OC, Andrew/Ripper.
Branwyn: 'Boys Of Summer (In Their Ruin)' - they're both discovering things about themselves that they're not sure they can cope with. Giles/Oz.
Brenda Antrim: 'Forfeit' - Giles makes a deal with a demon to save Buffy's life. Angel(us)/Giles Warning: rape story.
'Heart's Desire' - in payment for getting a demon off a murder rap, Lindsey is granted his heart's desire, but as with all demonic agreements the reality is not quite that straightforward. Angel/Lindsey.
'The One with the Power (Powerless)' - demonic complications from the removal of his hand leave Lindsey irrevocably changed. Angel/Lindsey.
Doyle: 'The Wake' - a year on from the events of 'Chosen' and everyone is dealing with the anniversary in their own particular fashion. Giles/Xander pre-slash.
'Domination' - “And as we know,” Wesley said solemnly, “Officer Dibble is the cartoon personification of The Man.” Wes/Gunn
Eloise: 'Out Of Dreams' - "And when you sleep you remind me of the dead." The quotation slips out unexpectedly; he's not sure why. Angel/Wesley.
Fleur: [no current link] 'One Twist Too Far'- after the events of 'Chosen', Xander is trying to evade who he used to be. Giles/Xander pre-slash.
Glossing: 'Book of Daniel' - a series of stories set in 'the most boring summer ever' when Buffy is gone of her own accord. Giles/Oz, Oz/Devon.
'Les Hombres Roboticos' - while researching something esoteric, Wesley unexpectedly meets up with a former Sunnydale resident who's now operating well below the radar. Wesley/Oz.
'Nothing For the Tin Man' - Oz finds himself in LA, then discovers Wesley is the only one he can turn to. Now, if only Wesley had someone... Wesley/Oz.
'Lost in Chinatown' - their paths just keep on crossing, but what do they really know about one another? Giles/Oz.
'The Baleful, Ingenious, and Curious Memory-Theater of One Ethan Rayne' - when strange things start to happen, strange even for Sunnydale like an annual fair turning up in town when no-one can remember it ever happening before, for some reason it's Oz that Giles turns to for help... Giles/Oz.
Hth: 'Gonzo Sunset' - "Thanks." His eyes flicked up, and a tendril of a smile played around his lips. "Gotta stop rattling my cage." Giles/Oz
'Moonlight and Van Helsing' - He was tired of this lump in his throat, of the way that he never seemed to be able to say anything during those moments when he had the brunt of their intimacy filling up his rib cage. Giles/Oz
James Walkswithwind: 'Sands of Time', co-written with Wolfling. A long series, this details Xander's escape from an abusive home, and his adoption by Giles ... and his love life with Spike. As might be expected, given the authors, this is a detailed, emotion-filled story. The accent is more on Xander's life and his attempts to adjust to not being beaten and abused, than on sex, although sex is certainly present. Spike/Xander.
'Wesley Rogue Demon', co-written with Mad Poetess - there's more to Wesley than meets the eye. Much, much more, as Angel and co. are about to discover. Wesley/Gunn.
Jane Davitt: 'Ships That Cross' -Wes heads back to London and the Watcher's Council, only to find he doesn't really fit in there or anywhere... Wes/Xander.
Jane St. Clair: 'Restaurant Dogs' - a series of seven stories, starting with 'Chapparal', set in a universe where magic is a significant source of trouble and Wesley is more powerful than most. Wesley/Gunn, some Giles/Ethan.
Jessica Harris: The title says it all: 'Wesley's Liberal Guilt' - I could just see early season Wesley tying himself in knots this way. Wesley/Gunn.
Jet: I love this story, though it has quite a nasty feel to it - 'Nummy Treat'. Spike/Xander, Angel/Xander.
k: 'As Feet Grow Out Like Fruit on Legs' - in his second retirement, Giles thought he was going to get a nice relaxing sinecure somewhere, but he hadn't counted on Andrew. Gen.
Kindkit: 'Unaccommodated Man' - in dog years, Oz is 126. Giles/Oz.
'What It Feels Like' - what does it feel like, being shot? Wesley/Gunn.
Priya: 'Everybody's Got A Secret, Sonny' - searching for a Slayer in the far off state of Maine, long after the Hellmouth opened once and for all, Giles comes across another refugee from Sunnydale. Giles/Oz.
Sarah T.: 'Serves In A Whirlwind' - Giles is trying to survive Buffy leaving Sunnydale, with the dubious assistance of Ethan.
'Messengers of Grey' - Oz visits London and a certain former-librarian. Wonderful story with a great title. Giles/Oz
Seana Renay: 'Find the River' - Oz is looking for something, while Wesley is dealing with the 'tall, dark and bipolar thing', can either of them find what they're looking for in L.A.? Oz/Wesley.
Sheila Perez: And now for two excellent stories by the same author, because the whole Fred love triangle thing never happened for these guys. Got it? In 'Contrapuntal' Gunn gets hustled. Wesley/Gunn. Meanwhile, in 'Something Like', Gunn muses on the concept of messing Wesley up a little. Wesley/Gunn.
I've never really known what Joss Whedon meant for Xander. I mean, Buffy's the slayer, Giles is the Watcher. Oz is a werewolf, Willow's a witch. Xander is .... aimless and not really given much to do on the show. So, Te takes him away from Sunnydale ... with Spike. In what turns out to be a love story ... 'Post Grad', the first in an AU series. Spike/Xander.
Co-written with Sheila Perez, 'Amends the next time' deals with the whole sordid Wes-Fred-Gunn thing like the show never did but bloody well should have... Wesley/Gunn.
Wesleysgirl: 'Open Season' - an AU story where Wesley manages to bring Doyle back from the dead, without realising just how big an impact that action will have on his life. Wesley/Doyle.
'Point You Home' - Xander is worried. Giles/Xander pre-slash.
In 'Rabbit Jumps Out the Window', Maggie and Fraser have a telephone heart to heart, or at least that's how it ends up. Fraser/Ray K
Beth H.: 'More Than You Know' - Ray really has no idea of what he's letting himself in for. Or does he? Fraser/Ray K.
'Like a House on Fire' - co-written with Kellie Matthews, this story finds Ray visiting Fraser after two years apart and the two of them find themselves plunged into the middle of investigating a series of arson attacks. Fraser/Ray K.
Bone & Aristide: 'The Better Angels' is one of those 'must-read' stories. Fraser and Ray find themselves in a small town in the middle of nowhere, just as Ray is starting to have some doubts about what he's let himself in for by agreeing to accompany the Mountie. Fraser/Ray K.
BrooklineGirl: 'They Eat Pizza, Don't They?' - for some reason Due South seems to generate more AUs that actually work than any other fandom I've come across, and this is one of them. Fraser is still a Mountie but Ray is in another line of work entirely... Fraser/Ray K.
'Ex Libris' - short and sweet. He thinks that if there is a clue he has missed, it's not for lack of trying. If this were a mystery story, things would be easier. Fraser/RayK
'Love is Just Like Breathing' - Ray tried not to over-think things, because it wasn't any different, this was how they were. (Gay.) No one in the station even turned their head at all the touching (gay), the ducking into the supply closet (gay), the going to the bathroom together (gay, gay, gay). Fraser/Ray K
'Half a Chance' - What if - and this was freaky, but this was Fraser Ray was talking about - what if being back home sort of took the place of Ray? What if it was everything Fraser needed or wanted, and Ray was just left behind?
Ray didn't want to be left behind. Didn’t want to be baggage either, though. Fraser/RayK.
Cherry Ice: 'Chrysalis' - Somewhere, at this moment, Fraser is licking things. He knows it. Fraser/RayK.
'Like Some Strange Shadow' - He's waiting for Fraser to say ‘Whatever do you mean, Ray?' or ‘That's preposterous, Ray,' or ‘Surely you're being melodramatic, Ray,' but Fraser's not saying anything at all.. Fraser/RayK.
china_shop: In 'The Vecchio Problem', Ray Kowalski finds that being Ray Vecchio is much more difficult than it would first appear, and Fraser doesn't really seem to be helping a great deal with that particular issue. Fraser/Ray K.
In 'Speculation', Ray discovers that once he starts looking at Fraser that way, he just can't stop. Fraser/Ray K.
'Leaving Normal' - So Ray isn’t sure if Fraser’s a real guy who’s undercover as a superhero, or if he’s a cartoon superhero guy who sometimes fakes being real. Either way, he’s pretty much a freak. Fraser/Ray K.
'Crazy' - Fraser is, as he would say, several forks short of a cutlery set, but he still has a confession to make. And so does Ray. Fraser/Ray K.
'Hanging' - Fraser returns unexpectedly to Chicago and, as usual, his timing is immaculate. Fraser/Ray K.
'The Sweet Hereafter' - Fraser and Ray get involved with sabotage on a building site and Fraser finds himself gaining a much better understanding of his father. Fraser/Ray K.
Crysothemis: 'Excuses' - Inspector Thatcher attempts to write up her personnel reports. This is a humourous piece which makes reference to m/f, but it's not intrusive, and it's canon…
I'm a RayK fan, through and through, and there's nothing I like more than a bucketful of RayK angst, so, when I came across this story, I was in hog heaven. 'True North' gave me everything I could want in a story and then some - set after Call of the Wild, Fraser's sister unwittingly tells Ray something that makes him head back to Chicago alone, but in the end he and Fraser can't stay apart.
In 'Damaged Goods', there are plenty of good reasons why it's a bad idea for Ray to be lusting after his new partner. And Ray himself is one of them. Fraser/Ray K
'Northwest Passage' - Well, he'd got himself into a pickle, and it wasn't the sort of thing a person could ask a father about, anyway. He'd managed to do the one thing, the one foolish, selfish thing, that could drive Ray away. After Ray had chosen him, had asked him to share this adventure.. Fraser/RayK.
Denise Raymond: 'All the Comforts of Home' - the real Ray Vecchio visits his former partner in the Northwest Territories and discovers something he hadn't expected to find. Fraser/Ray K.
'The stone that looked like a dog' - “Yeah, I like it fine, but I will be honest with you here. I did not emigrate to Canada for the dogsledding, Fraser. It was a nice bonus, I grant you, but I’m here for - ” Ray paused, gaze firmly in front of him. “I’m here ‘cause a you, y’know. Which I did not in so many words tell my parents, no.” Fraser/RayK.
The 'God Help Us Both if This is Summer' series - Ray could see the end rushing up if he looked; only he didn’t want to look. He let Fraser head in to the RCMP detachment on his own because it would’ve been stupid to go with him, wouldn’t it? But once Fraser had set off, Ray wished he’d gone along too and felt even more stupid, here in sight of the town, just him and the dogs and all their stinky gear, waiting for Fraser to come back. Fraser/RayK.
Ethan Nelson: Snow, more snow, Monopoly and a Mountie … Det. Vecchio gets a surprise in 'Free Parking'. Humour.
Estrella: 'Dearly Beloved' - Ray is just getting used to being back in Chicago, to being alone again, when Fraser comes back and turns his nice quiet life upside down. Fraser/Ray K.
'The Good Detectives' - Fraser seems to be acting even odder than usual, if that were possible. Fraser/Ray K.
'Timeline' - by the time he realised he was in love with Fraser, Ray was already back in Chicago. Fraser/Ray K.
'Figure of Speech' - Ray is more than a little distracted by what happened the night before, but that's nothing compared to the effect on Fraser... Fraser/Ray K.
'Just Like Steve McQueen' - "You never think things through and you always just - oh! Hey! Ray! Let's go be idiots today! And me?" Ray grabbed the pickles and screwed off the cap. "I just - I do it! So who's crazier?" Fraser/RayK
Hth: 'Ghosti' - in this story, Fraser left Chicago around midway through his partnership with Kowalski, but the return of the real Ray Vecchio starts the ball rolling again as the two Rays head for Canada and some kind of closure. Fraser/Ray K
'Sibylla ti theleis' - Living out his new life in Florida, but for more reasons than anyone else is aware of, Ray Vecchio gets some unexpected visitors. Fraser/RayK
Isis: '(Not) Being Ray Vecchio' - Now he's not Ray Vecchio, who exactly is he? Fraser/Ray K.
Joandarck: 'You Can't Take That Away From Me' - there's nothing like an amnesia story, is there? Ray is a little confused over who he is and who Fraser is, having gone undercover in a hospital. Fraser/Ray K
Kellie Matthews: 'Somewhere Else to Be' - a long, romantic AU story about Professor Benton Fraser and his mechanic, Mr. Kowalski … Slash.
Kellie Matthews has also written another lovely lengthy story about two men who love each other and are each afraid the other doesn't reciprocate ... 'When the Ice Goes Out'. Fraser/Ray K
'Knowing the Place' - another RayK/Fraser post-Call of the Wild story, formerly in the zine 'Serge Protector'. The usual quality story-telling, well leavened with angst and soul-searching. What more could a girl want?
'Playing Wolf' - another Mountie brings unexpected discoveries that affect Ray and Fraser's relationship. Fraser/Ray K
'True Colors' - Ray overhears something that starts him thinking about Fraser in a whole new way. Fraser/RayK
KindKit: 'An Incident Along a Poorly Guarded Border' - stuck in a tent together, Ray finds out that there's more to the universe than he previously thought. Fraser/Ray K.
'Perfection in the Work' - what Ray gets up to when he and Fraser move to Inuvik together and settle down. Fraser/Ray K.
lalejandra: [no live link] 'In Which Ray Tries To Find A Job And Also There Is Sex' - once he's decided to stay in Canada with Fraser, Ray tries to find some purpose to his existence there that doesn't revolve around sex with the Mountie. Fraser/RayK.
'Third (time is the charm, or so someone told Ray once) ' - now he's back in Chicago, everything is going to be normal again. Really. Nobody else believes it either, so Ray has to take some action. Fraser/Ray K
'Surviving' - "You don't want the Mountie. I don't want the Mountie. No one wants the Mountie coming back down here. I'd bet even the Mountie doesn't want that.". Fraser/RayK.
Lamardeuse: 'Inertia' - it all starts with Ray trying to explain himself, which is never going to be a good idea. Fraser/Ray K
'Point A to Point B' - Fraser and Ray, on holiday in San Francisco, where Ray's brought them for a reason. Fraser/RayK
Laura Jacquez Valentine: 'Un-American' - "You do not *grow* *out* of stupidity," Ray said. "I should know; I been stupid my whole life." Fraser/Ray K.
Littera Abbactor & I'm not a big fan of what is generally known as crackfic, but for a story this good I'll make an exception: 'The Cetacean Situation' - a bizarre crossover story with Spiderman 2 where Ray finds himself turning up at the Canadian Consulate not quite in control of what's going on. Fraser/RayK.
Lyra Sena: 'Four Ways Benton Fraser and Ray Kowalski Never Met, and One Way They Did' - the title says it all. Fraser/Ray K.
'A Reverse Country Song, in D Minor' - There were times when Ray wished everything between him and Fraser was the way it used to be.. Fraser/Ray K.
Miss Pamela: 'Down East' - on their return from the wilderness, both Fraser and Ray are struggling to adjust. A series of suspicious deaths in diners leads them to all sorts of unexpected revelations. Fraser/Ray K.
'Momentous' - because it's all but impossible for Fraser to take something as dramatic as this completely in his stride... Fraser/Ray K.
'Gunpowder Plot' - Ray Kowalski is on trial for a murder he didn't commit, and Fraser is the only one prepared to try and discover the truth, in this story with shades of Dorothy L Sayers. Pre-slash.
Nifra Idril: 'Watershed' by Nifra Idril - The next morning, Ray decides the working hypothesis is that Fraser was just happy he didn't die, and that Canadian weirdness coupled with panic made Fraser a little too intimate, that's all. Fraser/RayK
Penelope Whistle: 'What We Talk About When We Talk About Wolves' - Ray and Fraser talk about basic human needs. Fraser/Ray K.
Punk: 'Verse Chorus Verse' - He should have stayed in the sled. He should have smiled at Fraser's rocks and stayed in the sled. Maybe then he'd be able to feel his legs. Fraser/Ray K.
'Gun, with Occasional Kangaroo: A Love Story' - it all started with Frannie's romance novel, featuring the adventures of Constable Luc Laberteaux of the RCMP... Fraser/Ray K.
Purna: 'Palimpsest' - another one of the AUs that this fandom seems so fond of, and I can understand just why that is since I love many of them as well. Ray is an ex-cop turned pilot, taking up a new job in the middle of nowhere and encountering someone who will change his life forever. Fraser/Ray K.
Resonant: In 'Teeth of the Hydra', Resonant runs two storylines parallel - Ray and Fraser are tracking an assailant who tattoos their victims while Ray experiences his life with Stella and gets to where he is now. Fraser/Ray K.
'Broadway Hotel' has Ray coming back to Chicago alone and finding it hard to adjust. Fraser/Ray K
'American Way' - Fraser has to pretend to be American and turns out to be the fulfillment of a significant number of Ray's fantasies when he does so. Fraser/Ray K
Rhi Marzano: 'beguiled' - as I've said before, I'm not a big fan of kid fic but this one manages to keep Ray K.'s voice right even as he and Fraser deal with the sudden appearance of Fraser's three year old son. Fraser/Ray K.
Speranza: Normally I run a mile from fics with kids in them, mostly because the kids are usually the angelic child that no-one in RL actually has - I like Speranza's take on almost instant parenthood for Ray K and Fraser 'With Six You Get Eggroll' though, go figure. The kids feel like real kids, which helps immensely, and the sugar factor isn't too high.
In 'Flying Blind, Speranza has Ray learning to understand how Fraser's Canadian brain works and discovering that his instinct for survival isn't as strong as he'd formerly thought, among other things. Fraser/Ray K.
Starfish: 'Rain Down on Me' - Fraser. Ray. Fraser's cabin. Fraser/Ray K.
The Hoyden: 'Telephone' - Fraser and Kowalski are living together but it's not all sunshine and kittens. Fraser/Ray K.
'Academic Punk' - an AU with Fraser and Kowalski as professors in a university English department... just go with it, okay? Fraser/Ray K.
Theodosia: 'Being Benton Fraser' - one morning both Fraser and Ray wake up and the world is unexpectedly and completely different. Fraser/Ray K.
'Until All the Songs Are Sung' - in the wake of the events of the movie, Marcus discovers being a farmer isn't all he thought it might be and finds himself on another journey with Esca. Marcus/Esca.
'Amo, Amas, Amat' by chibirhm - what happens next between Marcus and Esca when one doesn't really fit in and the other is finding it hard to express how he really feels? Very nice future fic with Marcus and Esca settling down as Happy Gay Farmers (not mine, though I wish it was!). Marcus/Esca.
'Passion & Profession' - an AU demonstrating just how creative fandom can be, though it's not really a crossover as such with one actor playing a role from another fandom altogether (Jane Eyre), and following the career of StJohn Rivers in India. Marcus/Esca (kind of).
'A Clear View of the Sea' - it's always a pleasure when you find an old favourite writer in a new fandom... this time around, Esca is trying to figure out what it means to be free, but not alone. Marcus/Esca, Marcus/Cottia, Esca/Cottia.
'Eagle Nine' - kept meaning to rec this, but it was a WIP so I waited and then never did. This is a cyborg AU of the movie, with good world-building but still the essence of the characters themselves. Marcus/Esca.
Jay Tryfanstone:
I've always loved the book, by Rosemary Sutcliff, ever since I read it when I was about 10 years old. And now, with the help of Jay Tryfanstone, I think I know why. In 'The Centurion's Hound' we meet Marcus and Esca again, older and wiser, when the hidden Eagle they strove so hard to recover comes back to haunt them again just as Marcus is starting to put the pieces of a larger puzzle together.
This story is followed by Northland's 'Fox and Hound', then Jay Tryfanstone takes us back to Roman Britain again in 'Summer of the Wolf' when both Marcus and Esca are older - all stories are Marcus/Esca.
'The Gaul' - in which Esca is still a gladiator and Marcus is a complete and total fanboy, with all that this entails. Marcus/Esca.
'The Blood Knows the Path' by linaerys - okay, so I haven't seen the movie but that doesn't stop me enjoying the delightful slashiness it's caused; in this case, a story that runs alongside the movie plot in which Esca is jealous and is also extremely bad at being a slave. Marcus/Esca
'To The Glory of Nova Roma' - I haven't found many of the various AU being written in this fandom all that interesting, but this one was different, set as it is in a Roman Empire that has remained in existence where Marcus finds himself investigating the role of a slave in the murder of his master. Marcus/Esca.
'The Passing of Winter' - settled down together after the excitement with the eagle has all died down, Marcus is rattled by comments one of his fellow Romans makes about Esca. Marcus/Esca.
Miss Pamela:
'The Days Beyond' - Esca didn't feel the need to offer comfort, but his honor and his vow would not let him see his master die. So he pressed food on him as often as he could, bathed his brow when the fever took him, and tore linen bandages late into the night. He took an odd pleasure in it, taking Marcus's death from him as he had robbed Esca of his. Marcus/Esca
'Descry' - Marcus is injured in battle and his men buy him a slave to help him recover; this Esca is not the man we know from the source material but someone much more damaged by his experiences. Marcus/Esca.
'Dealing with the Consequences' - first of a series, according to the archive; Esca and Marcus, instead of killing the Seal Prince in the final battle, capture him instead and bring him back as sort of a prisoner of war. Having been captured, the Seal Prince is shamed and can never return to his tribe... Esca/Marcus, Esca/Liathan, Marcus/Liathan, Esca/Marcus/Liathan.
'Aedificare ' - for those of us who loved the book long before the slashy movie adaptation was even a twinkle in anyone's eye, here's what happened after Marcus, Esca and Cottia set off to start a farm together. Marcus/Esca, Marcus/Cottia.
'A Place to be Free' - Esca wants to leave.
He never says so directly, but Marcus can read it in the restless fidget of his hand as he toys with his knife at dinner, in the curve of his neck as he steps outside to watch the stars at night. Marcus/Esca
'Devotee' - set after the movie ends, Marcus frets when Esca sets off alone on a journey to buy horses and doesn't return as planned. Marcus/Esca.
'Mo Tràill, Mo Cridhe' - Esca stands now, wraps the driest of their cloaks around Marcus’s shoulders before he can be stopped, ignoring his weak attempts to shrug him off. “You are no longer my slave,” Marcus grumbles, “and you were never my mother.” Marcus/Esca.
'Denouement' - They remain like that as the rain continues to fall, Marcus watching the pyre and Esca watching him, hands entwined, warmer now with each other’s heat. Marcus/Esca.
'Keep Me Where the Light Is' - I love amnesia fics, so I was bound to love this, particularly when the characterisation of Marcus is so strong. After hitting his head, Marcus wakes to discovers he doesn't remember anything, not about the place where he finds himself or the man who is there with him and what their relationship is. Marcus/Esca
'Songs of Isca' - in which Marcus is a centurion and Esca is the local bard, whose songs are not always to Marcus' liking. Marcus/Esca.
'If the Darkness Lasts' - when the dead begin to rise up and walk, Marcus, Cottia, and Esca must leave behind the little farm on the Downs and learn how to build a new life together out of the ruins of the world they once knew. Marcus/Esca, Marcus/Cottia, Marcus/Cottia/Esca.
'From the Depths of His Heart' - given that we know, in canon, how Marcus and Esca meet it's hardly surprising that authors in the fandom want to play with that (and with the resultant changes it brings to the character dynamics). In this story, Marcus is still injured in battle and still recuperating from that injury at his uncle's villa but the Esca he meets is a very different one, isolated from his own people because of something that Marcus can barely understand. Marcus/Esca.
'Anywhere on This Road' - This man is glad for Esca's life, Esca realizes, but he has no idea why that should be, why this man should care anything for him. And then the old, familiar lust sparks a little in his eyes, and Esca knows. Oh, he knows. And he hates him for it.. Marcus/Esca.
'Hetaeriae Eaeque Brevi Fient' - Marcus and Esca are asked to infiltrate a group of men who are believed to be conspiring against the Empire, particularly because of the rumours about the debauched goings-on at the conspirator's dinner parties. Yes, it's 'going undercover as gay' in Roman times. Marcus/Esca
'Chosen Man' - a nicely-written AU in which Marcus finds himself as centurion to a bunch of British auxiliaries, the best posting he can manage given his heritage, only to discover he is unexpectedly drawn to one of their number. Marcus/Esca.
'They Make a Desolation' - He doesn't want to do this. And surely Esca does not want to be beaten for something he could so easily correct. Gen.
'Vae Victis' - a historical AU where Marcus is still Roman but living in the times before the empire, in a small Etruscan town about to be overrun by the Gauls. Marcus/Esca.
'Kith and Kin' - a really nice alternate look at the whole story, where Marcus is the one who's disappeared into the north many years ago, till Uncle Aquila gets an unexpected chance to know his nephew once more even if Marcus doesn't know himself. Marcus/Esca.
'Like the Tide' - "Esca," he called, "leave it. The weather comes in." He nodded backwards towards the oncoming rain, but Esca merely waved him off and continued the job. Marcus suppressed a sigh; there was little use in arguing with Esca when he put his mind to something, whether it be root-beds or Romans. Marcus/Esca.
Page 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel
Due South The Eagle / Eagle of the Ninth Page 2 Harry Potter
(gen)Harry Potter
(Snape/Harry)Page 3 Harry Potter
(Snape/Weasley)Harry Potter
(Snape/Other)Harry Potter
(Snape/Lupin)Harry Potter
(multiple & other pairings)Page 4 Invisible Man
L.A. Confidential Man from UNCLE
Master and Commander Page 5 Marvel (all universes)
Page 6 Miscellaneous Fandoms
Nero Wolfe Once a Thief
Original Fiction Page 7 Sherlock Holmes
(various incarnations)Page 8 Person of Interest
Real Ghostbusters Southland
Star Wars Suits
White Collar Without a Trace
X Files
'The White Hare' - Marcus Flavius Aquila returns to Isca Dumnoniorum, where an old friend talks him into taking an unusual job. Before long he finds himself deep in trouble... Gen.
'Annum Novum' - in the aftermath of the events of the movie, Marcus buys a farm then discovers it is deep within native territory, a situation with which neither he nor Esca are particularly comfortable. Marcus/Esca.